Stories from the Journal:
Life-Changing Impact

"We finally felt we had someone who really listened and understood us"

When we found out about Sky’s the Limit Fund, we saw it as such a blessing in one of the hardest times in our lives.

When we were first connected to STLF to share our story before receiving the financial assistance, we finally felt we had someone who really listened and understood us. Not many of our friends understood what we were going through, so when we talked with STLF, it was such a relief to speak with someone who got it right away.

We were in such a mental fog that we were so grateful they told us they would send us everything we needed and when to take action. It’s like they knew what we needed before we knew. 

"Wilderness therapy and STLF have given us the tools for daily success"

The post-wilderness therapy was so good and exactly what my husband and I needed. We were able to open up and share while receiving applicable coaching that we could put into practice right away. Thanks to the Lord leading us to our wilderness program and our program leading us to Sky’s the Limit Fund, our child and family are doing so much better. We are in a better place now than a year ago pre-wilderness therapy.

We were able to find a coach that our son sees once a week who was a trail walker at his wilderness program a few years ago. Having this kind of coaching and interaction for our son with someone who understands wilderness has been a true blessing. It’s hard/different to explain wilderness to people who don’t know, so to have found someone who already knows wilderness has been huge.

Not only is our son seeing someone once a week who’s helping him, he’s gotten a job, paid off a debt, and is making better choices. He still has things he’s working on and through, but the choices he’s making aren’t as severe as they were pre-wilderness.

Most of the time, we are trying to make it through hour by hour, day by day, week by week, and it’s hard. We try to surround our child with good people who are for him and want to see him succeed.

Wilderness therapy and STLF have given us the tools for daily success. Before he left for the wilderness, the light in his eyes had gone away. This child of ours, whom we love deeply, had changed, and it was like he was distant, and we could not see him anymore. As we received weekly letters and pictures on occasion, we started to see the light in his eyes return. Then, when we went for family camp, the first time we hugged him and saw him through his dusty face, the light was back.

He has been off trail for 1 year, and the light hasn’t left. ~STLF Parent

STLF Speaker Series interview

Breaking the Stigma: The Journey Through the Eyes of a Graduate